
Welcome to Hullywood hully-1

Lens based Artist Quentin Budworth has been working with participants from across Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire on an exciting visual arts project happening in Hull in 2017.

Hullywood Icons has recreated iconic moments from Hollywood films with the people of Hull and the East Riding in the City of Hull. The still images will be exhibited prominently throughout the city as projections featured in the City of Culture opening event, in the suburbs of Hull and in Beverley and Bridlington in early January 2017. You can see the Hullywood Icons on the blog section of the website.

Brainchild of lens based artist Quentin Budworth talks about the ideas behind the Hullywood Icons:
‘It started with a simple notion and a play on words: What if Hull was really Hollywood and the people of Hull were film stars? We’d have our own Hollywood but in Hull, Hullywood!
I had been thinking about using Hull as a movie set and playground for making work both as a creative space but also as an exhibiting space for a long time.  I wanted to create a project and body of work that involved the people of Hull as participants and collaborators in a playful way whilst allowing me to create photographs that people would enjoy looking at and engage with. Creating Hullywood as a concept and showcasing the work as part of ‘The Made in Hull’ opening event makes perfect sense.
The people of Hull and East Yorkshire have really taken Hullywood to their hearts and their enthusiasm, wit and creativity has been truly amazing ‘.
With thanks to: The Hullywood Icons, The Arts Council Grants For The Arts, Hull City of Culture, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, The people of Hull who came out to play and used their city as a playground, Zebedee Budworth for the sound track, Chris Broadwell and Tim Wall projection logistics.

As of the 15-01-2017 ‘Hullywood’ has been registered as a photographic, publication and events-based Trade Mark (UK00003206682)

